Newsletter — September 2022

Caleb T. Rogers
2 min readSep 30, 2022


September, what a month. We had a busy last four weeks in Williamsburg and I’m excited to review our start to the fall season.

  • Candidate Forum — First and foremost, it is election season in the City. Of our five seats on the City Council, two are up in this election cycle. The picture above shows a fantastic first forum at our Williamsburg Regional Library. The linked article discusses the full attendance and questions asked. Early voting has already started at 401 Lafayette St and Election Day is Nov. 8th!
  • Stonehouse Elementary — A few weeks back, I had the pleasure of visiting Stonehouse Elementary to talk about local government. Instead of a long speech… we played a game where everyone came up with an idea of “what the government should do”. Ideas ranged from more veterinarians to pizza Fridays. Thank you so much to the Stonehouse team and Felecia Hayes for making the fourth grade in Williamsburg so much fun!
  • VA Peninsula Foodbank — Routinely, our area’s main food bank holds volunteering events for local community groups. Local elected officials had the chance to visit one Friday and packed hundreds of boxes to be sent to local distribution hubs. This link profiles the food insecurity on the Virginia peninsula, heightened by the pandemic.
  • Climate Solutions Roundtable — The VA Peninsula Sierra Club chapter put on this roundtable, its third year in-a-row, to highlight our region’s efforts to combat climate change. It was a wonderful evening of learning about other municipalities’ carbon footprint reduction projects. Particularly to Williamsburg, my comments begin around the 26 minute mark.

I get quite used to the 80+ degree days of summer in the Burg. With this week getting into the 40s range a few times, I’m excited to report a productive September and fun transition to fall. As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or ideas!

With gratitude,


*This newsletter is mine alone and does not represent the full input of Council

