Election Results — Press Release
(posted May 20th, 2020)
It is a testament to this amazing City that even in a difficult time we engaged in an election, listened to candidates, and voted with a higher turnout than previously thought. With our roots in this country’s foundation, we are very clearly still civically engaged.
I want to take this moment to congratulate Pat Dent (Dent for Council) and Barbara Ramsey (Barb Ramsey — Williamsburg City Council) on their hard work during this campaign and, more importantly, all of their previous service to the City. Pat with his good guidance of the Fire Department and Barbara with her first term on Council, these two have been wonderful stewards of this community and I am looking forward to serving on Council together.
I also want to further thank Mayor Paul Freiling for his thoughtful years of leadership. We have been in good hands over the last 16 years with his being on Council and I look forward to asking for his thoughts on City matters. Mayor Freiling, thank you for all you have done for Williamsburg.
Retiring Council member Benny Zhang (Benming Zhang) is deserving of great thanks. It is clear to me that the hard work he and former Vice Mayor Scott Foster put into their time on Council, as recent William & Mary graduates, has shown our community the good younger representation brings. This will be an important trend to continue as we will need to rely on our partnerships to meet the economic and public health emergencies of the day.
Finally, thank you to all of those that gave their time to this campaign and spread our message along the way. In the days to come, I will be appreciatively highlighting their involvement. They say go fast alone or far together. None of this would have been possible without the care and diligence of our campaign team. Thank you so much to those that were a part.
Hard work is ahead and I will not discount the trust you have put in me.
With immense gratitude,